The most versatile piece of jewelry she will ever own.
Yoga pants to black tie.
diamond Studs- a classic .
Usually made up with round stones, diamond studs can be created in any shape.
Carat weight. We always refer to the weight of the two stones combined. .50., 75., 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.0+
Whether you visit our showroom or call the store, we’ll guide you on how to select the best pair for your budget!
Don’t forget that studs always look much larger on the ear than the do on their own!!
Martini and Basket mountings are the most popular by far…. Even those who wear predominantly yellow gold, will want their studs set in white gold to maximize the sparkle on the ear.
Halos and Jackets
Some women like to set smaller diamonds around their studs. A Diamond halo refers to setting the diamonds in a fixed state, while the term jackets, refers to a removable ring of diamonds that is used to “dress up” a stud for a special occasion.
Cluster earrings are a beautiful look and are often a more budget friendly option to a stud of similar diameter.